Thursday, December 17, 2015

Continous Integration - a summary

Reference to Martin Fowler's great article Continuous Integration , I liked to summarize some of most important points in the article along with the main steps that a developer should follow in his daily process according to my understanding from the article

What is it?
software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently (at least daily)

Benefits of CI:
1.       reduced risk (frequent tests and integration for small changes)
2.       Have a predictiction how long integration it will take
3.       See how far you are through the process
4.       Easier to find bugs (depends on the efficiency of unit tests)

       Daily routine:
1.       Everything should be stored to the Source code management tool (code + properties files+ DB schema + DDLs for DB configuration + install/build scripts  + libraries + last stable executable) à If using a virgin machine, do a checkout, and be able to fully build the system
2.       Take a copy from the source code management  (GIT for ex) mainline (master in case of GIT) to  your machine.
3.       Make your changes + unit tests (Self-Testing code  , TDD preferred)
4.       Build + test
5.       Commit to mainline now (or make a separate branch till integration tests pass)
6.       Should build (a fast build) on integration server (Clone of the Production Environment) after each commit (don’t go home before it succeeds)
7.     Fix Broken Builds Immediately (top priority) : if reason not obvious, rollback then fix, don’t debug.

       Rules and Tips:

-          Each build must be accompanied with running unit tests. 
-          Should commit to the mainline daily at least. 
-          Deployment can be automated (preferred) with scripts to deploy /rollback  applications into any environment easily, or manual (if automated is slow)

-          If you are not using CI , you can start first with nightly builds
-          Commit build must be fast (10 minutes ) ,To achieve this, 1) break down the system to smaller parts - 2)  the deployment tests (which take most of the time)can be divided into 2 categories (thus 2 environments) : main short tests(no DB hits) that is run with the commit build and heavy lengthy tests that can run afterwards (after I guarantee a correct build) , this is called deployment pipeline
-          make sure there's a well-known place where people can find the latest stable executable.
-          All people should be able to see build status.
-          Integration environment should be a Clone of the Production Environment (OS ver, DB ver, IPs, all libs, same HW) : every difference results in a risk that what happens under test won't happen in production.
-          you need multiple environments, one to run commit tests, one or more to run secondary tests + prod
-          good ideas for deployment : 1) deploying a trial build to a subset of users – 2) In clustered environments ,deploy to one node at a time

**This is to claim that I took all the info from the mentioned article and that the article's author is not responsible of this summary