Monday, June 8, 2020

As a developer, How to keep up with rapid change in technology

0- Accept the fact that things are changing rapidly, It's normal to not be able to cope with all of that, you are not alone, don't burn out, don't let yourself be down, just do your best given your available resources (time, money, age, etc), your other liabilities and constraints
1- focus on the basics and concepts, technology changes just to meet basics better from my POV, as a Software Engineer, I think I am working on the most rapidly changing area in the world, technologies in software are literally changing daily and you will never be able to cope with all that is coming to market, so focus on the basics, learn why technologies evolved, what problems a new technology addressed which was in an old one, why do people adopt a technology / principle and why they abandon other, how politics influence technology (the oracle/google case for example)
2- Learn from others, you will never be able to do everything, so make periodic meetings with your colleagues, managers or subordinates, and discuss with them how each one of you addressed a certain problem
3- Lifelong learning is a must
4- Try to keep a reference for everything you learned and did, especially difficult and repeating problems so that you can come back to it easily after that ... you can also make like a knowledge hub with your colleagues to include the same for all of you

5- Be ready for the change, don’t be rigid, wake up every day with the spirit of “I might be doing / learning something entirely new today”

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